Conference Call with Judge Bill Gravell

During these uncertain times, we will work to keep you updated with the best information we have available. These posts will serve to share what we know as well as provide opportunities to grow together in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

This afternoon there was a conference call between Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell and the clergy of the area. The judge has signed a declaration of emergency for the county. While there are no confirmed cases of the coronavirus in WilCo, this signing sets all the right mechanisms in place to be prepared when the time comes. Here are some major points from this call:

  • Social Distancing - It is encouraged that you seek to ideally maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and others while in public. Also, do not go out in public unnecessarily. Try to self-contain as much as possible. Avoid handshakes/hugs/high fives. (Don’t worry! We have you covered. #airfive)

  • Watch for Loneliness - As time apart continues and we are appearing to be more homebound, check in on your friends, family, and neighbors. There are many ways to do this while maintaining social distance. Through Google, Facebook, Apple, Skype, etc. you can have face to face contact via video chat. As a church, we encourage you to do this! Check in with the people around you and love your neighbors!

  • No Visitation at Nursing Facilities - Governor Abbott restricted access to nursing facilities. Non-staff will not be allowed access to limit the spread of coronavirus to this population. As we have seen in other states, these facilities have been hard hit.

  • Currently No Limit on Mass Gatherings - This could change at any time based upon needs arising. Narrative leadership will continue to discuss our gathering together and at what point love for our neighbor may dictate moving to an online platform for gatherings.

  • Safety and Security - Williamson County leadership, Judge Gravell, and the mayors of the area are taking pre-emptive steps to be prepared. I found great peace of mind listening to the judge, knowing that they are putting plans into place to be proactive instead of reactive.

  • Update Videos - Judge Gravell will be posting update videos beginning this week to keep the county informed. As a church, we will push these through on our social media as well.

While these times are unique and challenging, God constantly reminds us throughout scripture that He walks with us. In the Old Testament, Joshua is commissioned by God to lead His people into the promised land. There were many challenges that lay ahead, but God told Joshua over and over to be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:9 caps off this commissioning thusly:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

As we walk into these times, may we take that to heart. Be strong and courageous. There are many unknowns, but do not be frightened or dismayed. Our God is with us wherever we go.

I am praying for all of you. Continue to love God and love others. Live the story of Jesus!

Pastor Ted

COVID19Ted DoeringWilCo