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Relentless Love

In the Old Testament, the prophet Hosea is called to take an unfaithful wife, then in the New Testament Jesus connects back to Hosea in His call to love the unlovable - what does that mean for us?

Join us Sunday mornings as we explore God’s relentless love for us & for the world!

Football Parties!

Thinking about throwing a neighborhood Super Bowl party? Narrative would love to help you throw that party by helping finance it - all we ask is that you slow down & enjoy time with your neighbors, & love them like Jesus called us to!

Email for more info

Men’s Breakfast

A time for men to get together, share breakfast, & talk about God at work in their lives! Saturday, February 15th.

Sign up here!

Women’s Retreat

Mark your calendars, & get ready for Narrative’s first women’s retreat, March 28-29!