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Servant Shopping

On November 24th our Next Gen families are going Servant Shopping. This year will be helping Round Rock Serving Center. Narrative has helped sort food and clothing for the Center on Serving Sundays. A Thrivent Action Grant is helping provide funds for our Servant Shopping, and we are asking Narrative for help also. The daily food pantry needs: cereal, peanut butter, mac n cheese, canned meat or tuna, Ramen, canned vegetables, canned fruit, rice, and pinto beans. Requested holiday food: box or bag of stuffing mix, box of mashed potatoes, broth, and gravy mix. Please bring any food donations to Narrative on November 3rd, November 10th, 17th and 24th. Look for the display. Thank you for your help.

Earlier Event: November 24
Worship - Testing Your Faith
Later Event: December 1
Worship - Advent